Cooking with Whey Event Jan. 19 in Portland, OR

Happy new year friends!

I hope we can toast in person at the official Portland, OR
launch party for my new book Cooking with Whey!

It’s on January 19, 6pm-8pm at Vivienne Culinary Bookstore.


Just $20 includes the panel discussion and a signed book. I will also make my book’s whey cornbread for you.

claudia lucero toasts with whey cocktail and book cooking with whey

Did you know that over a dozen chefs and makers from all over the U.S. contributed to this book? Yes!

Some of the locals will be at the event ready to chat whey, recipe development and more.

I’m thrilled to announce that Chef Cathy Whims of Nostrana, food scientist Emily Darchuk of Wheyward Spirit, food writer Heather Arndt-Anderson of OPB’s Superabundant, Pasta maker Leta Merrill of PastaMaia and Sarah Marshall of Marshall’s Haute Sauce fame will all celebrate with us on this special evening.

cooking with whey book and whey cocktail station

If you can’t make it, you can still purchase a book from
Vivienne Bookstore.

Haven’t made cheese to produce whey yet? Oh no!
Check out my online shop - a quiet holiday sale is still running!


I hope your year is off to a great start, Claudia

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